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高雄市政府教育局主辦 / 社團法人高雄市勞動生活教育促進會承辦


(1) 推動鳥松心福田生態田園 「生態田園」是本校推動水色城鄉學群中很重要的一份工作,103-104年在謝二羊老師協助下,透過生活、生產、生態概念,採用二手資源募集及志工假期,將心福田打造成為一個除了生產,也兼具教育意義的基地。

(2) 技術交流協力自然農家 「自然農粉絲團」目的除了推廣自然農耕,最主要的是成為陪伴自然農家重要的基地,因此在今年本校「水色城鄉」學群除了開辦「半農半X」、「居家種菜」更邀請友善耕作相關領域講師蒞臨授課,甚至協助所有參與學習的農家辦理聯合育苗以及契作等工作。

(3)心福田童樂會 「心福田童樂會」為本校串連起鳥松自然農家在暑假針對孩子們所辦的營隊,透過一年一次的活動,希望孩子能親自踏上土地了解食物的由來,並透過手做料理讓孩子吃到食物的真實原味,期望孩子完成課程後能更珍惜食物,進而開始守護身邊的美好環境。  

(4) 辦理農家參訪相互交流 除了開設自然農法相關課程以外,本校也會不定期安排自然農家的參訪,除了促進自然農家們的經驗交流,也讓外縣市的自然農家們了解鳳山社大在做的事。

(5) 自然農講座 自然農講座採用不定期方式辦理,除了講作以外也邀請國內各地自然農法的實踐農家蒞臨經驗分享。


     Niaosong was once an important rice producing area in Kaohsiung city. In view of the transformation of the industrial environment, a lot of agricultural land has been extensively developed as housing and factories. Therefore, since the school took over, it is going to promote “friendly farming” as an important strategy for environmental change. Among them, the "Natural Farmers Fan Club", founded by the teacher of the school, Huang Shujuan, hopes to become a field for exchange of experiences of natural farmers through the establishment of this club. The club can form a force that can influence the development of Taiwan's agriculture by mutual support from farmers. Moreover, the club can even attract more people who want to invest in farming through the promotion of agricultural methods, and will provide necessary consultation and technical services for them. Through food and agriculture education, the education will create more concern amongst consumers about the natural environment. The spirit of friendly farming is that people should learn to respect nature and lead a life that conforms to nature. In this way the body will naturally be healthy, and self-sufficiency in food is the goal. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the use of substances that pollute the environment like pesticides. Do not use any organic and chemical fertilizers, either. We only use the fallen leaves of our own farmland and believe in the growth energy of the plants themselves. In addition, by the ways of keeping our own seeds and raising our own seedlings, we can cultivate healthier and more resistant seedlings, which can gradually increase the yield for more than three consecutive years. The important matters that are used for promoting friendly farming by the school are as follows:

(1) Promoting Niaosong Xinfutian Ecological Farm. "Ecological Farming" is a very important job that the school promotes aqua urban and rural module. During the period of the 103rd year and 104th year of the Republic of China, the teacher, Xie Eryang, helped the school to adopt the method of the recruitment of second-hand resources and volunteers’ holidays through the concept of life, production and ecology. The school has built Xinfutian into a base that is a place not only for production but also for education. . 

(2) Technical exchanges to unite efforts with natural farmers.  The main purpose of the "Natural Farmers Fan Group" is that Natural Farmers Fan Group will become an important base for accompanying natural farmers in addition to the purpose of promoting natural farming. Therefore, this year "aqua Urban and Rural" module will launch "Half-farmer, Half- X" and " Growing Vegetables at Home ". Furthermore the school will also invite lecturers who are related to the field of friendly farming to come to teach, and even assist all participating farmers in joint seedling cultivation and farming under contract.

(3) Xinfutian Children's Club.  Xinfutian Children's Club is a camp organized by the school that links up with Niaosong Natural Farmers for children during the summer vacation. The club hopes that children can set foot on the land to understand the origin of food through the once-a-year activity. In addition the club lets children eat the true flavor of food through hand-cooking cuisine. It also hopes that children can cherish the food more after completing the course, and then begin to protect the beautiful environment around them.

(4) Conducting farm visits and mutual exchanges. In addition to offering courses related to natural farming methods, the school also arranges visits to natural farmers at certain times. In addition to promoting the exchange of experiences among natural farmers, the school also allows natural farmers who live in other counties or cities to understand what Fongshan Community University is doing.

(5) Natural Farming Lectures. Natural farming lectures are conducted at certain times. In addition to lectures, farmers from all over the country, who practice natural farming methods, are invited to come and share their experiences.