「藉由社會學習推動社會重建、透過社會重建引導臺灣走向公民社會」社大倡議人黃武雄為社大實踐做了明確的指向,以「人」和「學習」做為根本,透過知識的啟蒙「催生新型態常民文化」的誕生;鳳山社大以學習做為推動社會改革和關心城鄉發展重要的途徑,在教師遴聘上除積極鼓勵具有理念之青年教師投入社大的行列以外,在課程規劃上,則採用「學群」之方式進行推動,強調與辦學目標之環扣,包括「人文社會學群」、「水色城鄉學群」、「文創產業學群」和「全人發展學群」。 在經過一年的推展之後,鳳山社大在三大學群的落實上已略具雛形,且已慢慢朝向深化之方向前進。尤其在課程委員會之設計上,為符合各學群發展需求,委員會之組成由原先之9人,擴及至21人,讓各學群能朝向專業化發展,並促進師生之參與。本校四大學群內涵如下: 「人文社會學群」:以促進社會發展和關心公共事務為內涵,課程包括:文史調查、社區營造和公共事務等,藉此開拓民眾學習視野、了解社會發展及關心公共議題;現況發展,協力大樹、大寮等區之社區工作,辦理社區幹部培訓、解說導覽員培訓、社區文史踏查等課程,並鼓勵師生或在地青年組織學習社群乃至於成立正式社團,進行社區發展工作之推動。 「水色城鄉學群」:以促進城鄉發展、推動環境永續為內涵,課程包括:生態永續、食農教育、田園營造、環保綠能等,帶領民眾透過身體力行的方式一同參與家園守護;現況發展,推動自然農法、家庭園藝及大高雄生態保育相關課程、協助鳥松心福田進行生態田園營造、仁美國小農食教育,並組織自然農法讀書會。 「文創產業學群」:以推動文化保存、提升生活創造力為內涵,課程包括:傳統工藝、生活美學、生活手作等,帶領民眾參與地方文化傳承,提升民眾在生活上之創造力;現況發展,以無形文化資產為推動核心,辦理竹編、葫蘆雕刻、春仔花、寺廟剪黏、寺廟彩繪、木雕、木作、歌仔戲曲、南管和北管等無形文化資產傳習,鼓勵新一代的匠師,投入無形文化資產傳習行列。 「全人發展學群」:以推動終身學習、廣設各類多元課程為內涵,課程包括:語言學習、養生運動、樂器彈奏、美學藝術和心理探索等,鼓勵不同年齡層的民眾可依個人喜好多加參與學習;現況發展,以增進人際互動、豐富生命經歷以及平衡身心靈發展為推動核心,辦理音樂分享會、書畫展覽、心理相關課程等,期許學員因為來到社大學習而有所成長,朝成為「全人」之方向邁進。
"Promoting social reconstruction through social learning, and guiding Taiwan towards a civil society through social reconstruction." Huang Wuxiong, the proponent of the Community University, has made clear guidelines for the practice of the Community University, taking "people" and "learning" as the foundation and hastening “the emergence of a new style of ordinary people culture" through enlightenment of knowledge. Fongshan Community University uses learning as an important way to promote social reform and concern about urban and rural development. In the teachers’ selection, the school actively encourages young teachers who have the ideas to join the ranks of the Community University. In addition in the curriculum planning, the school adopts the method of "learning modules", emphasizing the linkage of the modules with the goals for running the school. The modules include "humanities and sociology ", " aqua urban and rural ", "cultural and creative industry " and "the whole personal development". After a year of development, Fongshan Community University has had a rudimentary model in the implementation of the three modules, and has been gradually moving towards the deepening on them. Especially in the design of the curriculum committee, the composition of the committee has been expanded from the original 9 members to 21 members in order to accord with the development needs of various modules. Thereby the school lets each module develop towards specialization and promotes the participation of teachers and students. The connotations of the four modules of our school are as follows: "Humanities and Sociology module": Its object is to promote social development and concern about public affairs. The courses include cultural and historical investigation, community construction and public affairs, etc.. The purpose of the course is to broaden people's learning horizons, understand social development and concern about public issues. The current development situation is to assist the community work in Dashu and Daliao, conduct the courses such as community cadre training, docent training, community literature and history surveys, and encourage teachers and students or local youth to organize learning groups and even establish formal associations so as to carry out community development work. . "Aqua Urban and Rural module": Its object is to promote urban and rural development and environmental sustainability. The courses include ecological sustainability, food and agriculture education, pastoral construction, environmental protection and green energy, etc. The purpose of the courses is to lead the public to participate in home protection through practicing what one preaches; The current development situation is to promote the courses such as natural farming, home gardening, and ecological conservation in Greater Kaohsiung, assist ecological pastoral construction of Niaosong Xinfutian, food and agriculture education of Ren May Elementary School, and organize a book club for natural farming. "Cultural and Creative Industry module": Its object is to promote cultural conservation and enhance life creativity. The courses include: traditional crafts, life aesthetics, crafty life, etc. The purpose of the courses is to lead people to participate in the inheritance of local culture and enhance people's creativity in life. In the current development situation, intangible cultural assets is the core of promotion. The method is to conduct learning and passing on knowledge or skills of intangible cultural assets such as bamboo weaving, gourd carving, twined flowers, temple cutting and pasting, temple painting, wood carving, carpenter’s work, Taiwanese operas, Nanguan and Beiguan music and encourage the new generation of craftsmen to put into the ranks of intangible cultural assets. "Whole personal development module": Its object is to promote lifelong learning and establish multiple courses. Courses include: language learning, fitness exercise, musical instrument playing, aesthetics art and psychological exploration, etc. The school encourages people of different ages to participate more in learning based on their preference. In current development situation, promoting interpersonal interaction, enriching life experience, and balancing physical and mental development are the cores of promotion. The method is to conduct music sharing sessions, painting and calligraphy exhibitions, psychology-related courses, The purpose is to hope that every student will grow from studying at the Community University and move towards becoming " a whole person." ![]() |